This is my light. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My light guides me. It is my life. I must honor it as I must honor all life.
Without my consent, you cannot see my light. Without my light, you cannot see me as I cannot see you without your light.
I must let my light shine true. I must shine brighter than the darkness that is all around me. I must shine in the dark. I will shine...
My light and I know that what counts in life is not the shadows we chase, the lies we erase, nor the colors that we make. We know that it is Love that counts. We will love…
My light is divine, even as I, even as you, because our light is Love. Thus, I will shine my light for you, my brother, my sister. I will release its pureness, its vulnerability, its authenticity, and its integrity. I will keep myself pure and willing, even as my light is pure and willing. We are one with each other. We are One…
Before God, I will shine. My light and I are the messengers of my community. We are the love that heals. We are the forgiveness of our deeds. We are the voice crying in the wilderness.
So let it be, until we all allow our light to shine. Until there is no fear, no hurt, no hate, and no anger, but only Love. Until we all shine as the One Light that is Us.
Until then...
This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.