Someone asked me if there was any advice or tips about life I wished I knew as I was entering my thirties. I thought about it a bit, and this is what I came up with. The truth is, this is advice I wish I could remember and practice today, well into my forties. Anyway, If I could travel back to meet younger Timmy, this is what I would tell him...
You are not what you do, for a living, or as a hobby.
It doesn’t matter how much weight you can lift, no one cares.
Glory is an illusion, it’s gone faster than it comes.
Don’t make exercise an idol. It won’t save you and it can’t.
Savor your time with your kids.
Forgive yourself - every single time.
Whatever it is, ask yourself if it is worth it?
Don’t be an ass. It’s a choice.
Be happy. It’s also a choice.
This will pass, you can heal. You will heal.
You have a purpose. Discover what it is.
Ask anything. Questions open the door for wisdom.
Don’t be afraid of opinions or the future. Don’t be afraid of anything. It’s a trap.
Learn the freedom and the adventure of taking an authentic breath.
Smile more.
Trust God. Trust the Universe. Trust.
You are enough. In all situations. In all possibilities. You. Are. Enough.
Like I said, there are days when I would do well to remember some of these things. Forty-five-year-old Timmy trips over different things than Thirty-year-old Timmy, but still there are bits of timeless advice Today’s Timmy would do well remember and practice. There may be a few tidbits in here for you, too. If it resonates with you, there may be something to it.